WATT ELSE relies on an action carried out since 2011 in the Nord Franche-Comté region in the eastern part of France which special focus on the jobs in the energy field of activity. This aims at sensitizing a large public to the scientific, technical and industrial culture. Pupils and students are pleased to discover energy jobs throughout the know-how of local enterprises and regional dynamism. Teachers, trainers and advisors participate in these animations and visit laboratories or firms. WATT ELSE is a consortium of energy stakeholders (firms, training organizations, universities, public authorities).

But, beyond this communication aspect, it stresses rather more on the will to accompany the structuring of this economic stream, par exchanging practices, whose challenges lays in the national and European priorities “Developing partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms”, “Supporting individuals in acquiring and developing basic skills and key competences” or “Enhancing access to training and qualifications for all”. This expertise tends to be transferred, on other territories in order to better know the various jobs in the energy field as regards with the national and European orientations before 2030.

 So, WATT ELSE supports the transition of local industrial energy, and beyond. Indeed, for the eight year anniversary of WATT ELSE, the consortium WATT ELSE has accepted the MIFE offer to carry a European project ERASMUS + dedicated to « the exchange of good practices » ; in a particular context

  • of big expectations of the society, concerning the production and the uses of energy
  • of deep mutations in the industrial production of energy,

The stakes are to

  • Assist an industrial energy branch mutating, in terms of human resources
  • Update needs of recruitment and training path
  • Spin off a method of territorial action and learning about the European partners methods.

In terms of objectives are results, WATT ELSE aims at various target groups :


  • To anticipate jobs mutation
  • to attract talent
  • to be actors of local development
  • to create links between European firms and universities

Training Organisations and Universities

  • To adapt their curricula to the needs of firms
  • To discover the energy jobs and competences and attract youngest people
  • To be vectors of the diffusion of good professional practices in the firms

Public Authorities

  • To know their job area and the composition of his firms and learning pathway ecosystem
  • To set up public policies to support the dynamics of local human resources

Collaborators of European partners

  • To acquire the methodology of European union project management
  • To better know the job evolutions to better support job seekers

End users

involved in guidance or professional insertion paths to foster their employability and guide them towards these future jobs and by this way encouraging mobility towards these new European competences.

To fulfil these objectives WATT ELSE will coordinate :

  •  7 transnational meetings to foster exchange of practices in parallel with 8 local animations on the future of energy at local or regional level.
  • a 3 days training activity (presenting jobs, visiting firms workshop,…) for advisors, trainers, teachers,… who will become ambassadors among beneficiaries to guide them up to these future jobs and encourage geographical and professional mobility
  • 2 methodological and progressive activities involving each of the actors, one in the frame of competences cartography in relation with training programs and its adaptation, the second one to structure the local networks similar to the initial one in France.

All these activities will be mastered by a piloting committee and MIFE as a coordinator. Each of the 12 partners from Romania, Slovakia, Italy, Spain, Greece, Sweden and Reunion island, will lead an activity according to their of expertise linked to the workpackages. They are complementary and contributes to enlighten economic, social, pedagogic and technical challenges.

Indeed, each partner commits itself in contributing to

  • the diagnostic of the energy jobs in its territory.
  • the cartography of skills and professional training
  • the network animation (eg. Conference) composed of all stakeholders (public authorities, firm representatives, training organisations, employment structures).
  • Some dissemination activity within the communication strategy

The dissemination, communication, management activities will be organised transversally throughout the implementation of the project as they will be validated from the beginning and formalised in some signed strategic commitments by each of the partners. Plus, an internal and external evaluation will emphasize the added value of this job undertaken.

Finally, the impact of WATT ELSE will be measured thanks to qualitative and quantitative indicators in order to ensure the sustainability of this project and to plan the continuation of this collaboration with

a Erasmus+ Project within the frame of a Strategic partnership “innovation”. Currently, WATT ELSE is an exchange of practices to know one another and build the basis for an European network in the energy field of activity.