Within the frame of this Exchange of Practices Erasmus+ project, partners met 8 times while 7 transnational meetings and Short staff training activity in order to validate and improve the whole training process for sensitize to the targets and impacts of the energy transition.
Indeed, the various meetings were the occasion to exchnage on practices in the field of the energy sector as well as to meet specialists, holding conferences, disseminating best practices and discovering innovative firms and training organizations.
Transnational meeting 1 – Belfort (France) – Kick-Off meeting – October 2019
The aim of this meeting was to start and discover one another with partners with diversity competences (local authority, universities, firms, training organizations,…)
Each of the partners presented a state of the Art of the enregy situation in their country. These presentations were the basis of the first output called “The statiscal energy presentation of partenrs “ (See TASK1)
One of the major activity was also the visit of the Technical University of Belfort-Montbéliard as well holding a conference among main stakeholders at regional levels.
More than 80 participants attended the conference and were able to exchange with the whole european delegation
Transnational meeting 2 – Bratislava (Slovakia) – January 2020
To raise awareness of the energy professions of tomorrow, the partners presented the results from the interviews that they all carried out so as to involve major stakeholders.
Indeed, 104 organizations representing 38 training organizations, 38 public authorities and 28 companies answered to our questionning phase to understand the main issues and challenges in each of the countries and the main transition strategies energy.
These results from is summarised in the second output called “Stakes at regional and national level from a european persoective”
Within this meeting, partners had the opportunity to discover the Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency and the University of Technology
Transnational meeting 3 – Iasi (Romania) – July 2021
WATT ELSE partners therefore gathered to engage TASK 3 concerning European cartography future jobs and skills in energy from 21 different trades by including contextual elements, transversal skills.
Partners based their activities on the ESCO database in order to directly make a link with potential training paths to follow and to adapt them to the needs of the market.
The job descriptions and training paths will be part of a website.
During this hybrid meeting, partners had the chance to meet experts from the Technical University – faculty of Electrical Enginerring, Energetics and Applied Informatics and were warmly welcomed by representatives of the City Hall of Iasi.
Transnational meeting 4 – Valencia-Alzira (Spain) – November 2021
The aim of the meeting was to focus of the European route mapping training for the jobs of tomorrow energy, as well as to start thinking about a program of training to raise awareness of these professions energy.
The main key activity of the transnational meeting was the participation of the Watt else delegation in a conference dedicated to highlight and present the experiences of sustainable development through municipal solid waste management and promotion of the social economy and green jobs.
Partners had the opportunity to present the best practices and the stakes of the energy transition jobs which directly connected to environmental aspects in front of more than 200 participants.
Transnational meeting 5 – Turin (Italy) – March 2022
The main objective of this session was to create the program of the short staff training activity that should take place in Stockholm in may 2022.
Partners attended a presentation on the EU INTERREG project PROSPECT 2030 thanks to a professor from the Politecnico di torino stating the strategy FIT for 2050 involving all persons in the transition in the energy field of activity.
Then participants attended a conferece dedicated to the diseemination and multiplier event of ALCOTRA InterBITS. Major projects were presented which are carried out by the Green Building Envirnoment Park, Ines (Institut national de l’énergie solaire), Fondazione ITS and we had the opportunity to present the Watt Else project.
Short Joint Training Activity – Stockholm (Sweden) – May 2022
In order to validate the proposed draft program for sensitizing to energy jobs and training paths, partners organized a short joint staff training activity in stockholm in May 2022.
More than 30 participants coming from partner organizations attended this session whose objective was to evaluate the whole process and to get involved in the dissemination strategy so as to promote the project, its outputs and foster energy transition among all stakeholders.
With a perfect combination of workshops, tests, visits of Viable Cities, Phoenix firm, Royal Technological Institute of Stockholm…)and conferences, partners, trainees and accompanying experts had the chance to share their personal experience and spread good practices.
All participants committed themselves in implementing concrete actions in their firms, training organizations and local authorities among their colleagues, partners and political sphere.
Transnational meeting 6 – Reunion Island (France) – June 2022
The main objective of this meeting was to make a concrete feedback of the vraious actions which were implemented after the joint staff training session that took place in Stockholm.
During this meeting, parteners had the great chance to visit 2 major firms delaing with energy transition that is to say :
AkuoEnergy which was created in 2007 on the island of Reunion, Akuo Indian Ocean currently has 11 solar power plants representing an installed capacity of 35 MWp. Akuo Indian Ocean is Akuo’s subsidiary having initiated Agrinergie®, Aquanergie® and storage solutions. In particular, and thanks to Bardzour and les Cèdres, two projects combing PV and storage for a total storage capacity of 18 MWh, the group has developed a solid off-grid expertise.
Albioma – Bois rouge which is an innovative firm. The first bagasse/coal hybrid thermal power plant in France was established by Albioma in 1992 at the Bois-Rouge site. It was then the only one installation on the island able to convert bagasse, a fibrous residue from sugar cane, into electricity to supply the Réunion power grid. In 2020, the Group announced the conversion of the plant to 100% biomass
Transnational meeting 7 – Patras (Greece) – August 2022
The main objective of this meeting will be to finalize the best practices in the frame of the prmotion of energy stakes, jobs and competences as well as to launch a new potential partnership focusing on the exchanges and outputs from this project.
Additional information to be provided